Walk through the past

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Quotes from me...

From oldest to most recent...

"Even if we each go to our own places we are friends, no questions needed. The grounds filled with dirt and dust where we competed on, the uniforms we never wore properly, the scribbles we wrote on top of the desks... All of this were proof that we existed together. Let's meet here again... From the thousands of schools It was a Miracle which brought us together!" 20/11/09

"Everybody's like "New year!" this or "Resolutions!" that, but me, Its more like "Holidays, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" 30/11/09

"You are sarcastic, rude and an all-around jackass. People tend to find you when they need to be put in their places. You always have a degratory word ready for everyone, anywhere, at any time. The few friends that you have are the only people in your community that can watch your words with stings of their own." 23/2/10

"I love myself more than you, sure, but that doesn't mean I don't at least like you." 4/4/10


Sometimes I look at people overseas and I get jealous, seeing them taking photos of themselves in Disneyland or something. Then I think, there's no point being envious, because there is no way I'd get to go overseas. And lo and behold, I've gone out of Malaysia 2 times within 6 months already." 4/4/10

"Self love is Good love" 11/4/10

"I've realized that negativity takes a lot out of you and worry will drive you crazy. So, I always try to compare a negative with a positive and deal with worry by relaxing and realizing that, when we worry, the outcome still remains unchanged." 15/4/10

"I'm the centre of my Universe, and it revolves around me!" 16/4/10

"When all your friends are offline and you're the only one with nothing to do, then you know it's time to start worrying and to try to finish your homework (that you have postponed since days gone)." 18/4/10

"HOPE & END" are always there for everybody - it depends on us how we deal with them - "A HOPELESS END" or "AN ENDLESS HOPE". 20/4/10

"I know you've just lost someone precious to you and by what means now you can no longer meet that person, yet I'm still the same selfish me, still wishing that you can smile and laugh with me and tell me jokes and your experiences and your problems and your joys..." 21/4/10

"Girls can be fashionable and they won't seem peculiar, they might look good even. Guys can be fashionable and everyone will be looking at them and thinking what went wrong somewhere." 5/5/10

"My greatest weakness is that I often hesitate to tell the people that mean most to me that I do, in fact, care for them regardless of how I act. All too soon these people drift away from my life, and now, more than ever, is the year where all our paths will be split. Will our roads ever intertwine again, or will we continue down our separate paths, never to see each other?" 20/5/10

"What are friends? Well, friends are people you can sit around with and talk nonsense with and laugh for no reason with... Something like you and me, got it memorised?" 28/5/10

My heart just wouldn't be in it, y'know? Haven't got one. Haha." 30/5/10

It was fun to live aimlessly, and I wanted it to stay that way
Even though I kept on living aimlessly, I believed something could come out of it. My friends around me could reach so much higher than me. But I pretended to ignore them when my neck grew sore from watching from below." 11/6/10

You may think you're good, but always remember, that somewhere out there some asian dude or dudette is doing it better than you are." 12/6/10

It's fine if you just do what you can. Just keep on living optimistically like before. This is "what you can do" because there are some people who can't do it." 24/6/10

I'm sick, sick of this. I'm sick of myself for not being able to to change, sick of myself for being a coward, sick of myself for procrastinating, sick of myself for my incompetence, sick of myself for all the wrongs that I've done.

But I'll be sick of myself no more, I'll be brave, I'll be speaking truths, I'll be facing my fears, I'll do things perfectly and I'll do things properly.

I'll be sick of myself no more" 29/6/10

"Saying that I didn't work hard is lying.

I did work hard, very hard. However, I can never be sure that all my hard work was enough, because somewhere, somehow, someone is working harder than me, and that has made all the difference.

I did work hard, but did I really work enough?" 6/7/10

"Every single one of us has our own "pattern", ways that we differenciate ourselves from one another. The way we walk, the way we talk, the way we eat, the decisions we make, the facial expressions we make, our physical features, our abilities, our likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams.... everything we are... makes us special.... So Love yourself... just the way you are." 7/7/10

"Living" is ultimately about being involved with people.

Building relationships with others is like creating "proof" that you existed,
and the termination of these relationships is not unlike "death"." 10/7/10

"You think you can just run around, doing everything you want? Well the world sucks, and as you grow older, you have to bear RESPONSIBILITIES. R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-I-E-S. Whenever you think you can escape it, the world will drag you back even though you may claw the ground, begging for help. The Solution? Live.with.it. Period." 12/7/10

"We've forgotten what it's like not to be able to reach the light

switch. We've forgotten a lot of the monsters that seemed to live in our
room at night.

Nevertheless, those memories are still there, somewhere
inside us, and can sometimes be brought to the surface by events,
sights, sounds, or smells. Children, though, can never have grown-up
feelings until they've been allowed to do the growing." 14/7/10

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