Walk through the past

Thursday, May 5, 2011


So last night, Glenn, Keong, Jia Lin, Thim Seng and I were talking online. Apparently, StarBucks had a promotion going on where they'll give you 50% off on their Frappucino®, so we agreed to go there and then go for badminton afterwards.

Fast forward to today.

At about 4pm I reached MP's starbucks. Since no one else arrived yet, I took a look at World of Sports, since they were having a sale. A while later I saw them. So, since we were early (the promotion starts from 5pm, ends by 7pm), we went to McDonald's and sat there for a while. Glenn took out a deck of cards and we played Dai Di till 5pm. Then we went over to StarBucks to get our Frappucino®s. The barista was talking to me about his recommendation for a Frappucino® and I didn't understand a word he said. So I just said, "Okay," and he charged me RM12.05. Wait wait wait wait, isn't there a 50% off? Well, whatever. I took my Frappucino® and it was delicious. We played Dai Di there until 7pm before we took off to Yok Bin.

At Yok Bin, we played Badminton for 2 hours. Damn, I haven't played for so long I've really gotten rusty. Generally I partnered Glenn for the whole 2 hours, once with Keong, and once with Hon Mun. Hmm.

After that, I took Keong back home, and drove home myself. Yes! Didn't get lost this time.

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