Walk through the past

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dream Diary Day 14

Slept for slightly more than 9 hours today. Happened when I woke up at 7, then went back to sleep, woke up at 8 and went back to sleep again.


I can't remember much of it. I was staying with my friends somewhere.. who exactly those friends were I can't remember anymore. Then it involved me walking in and out of a room, taking off and putting on my basketball shoes. Then there was some noise, and we all looked out of the house from the window, and we saw people drilling our front door. We went outside and asked those people what they were doing; and they said that they wanted to break apart our houses because they can't stand eating at the front because it's so smelly.

So we left them be.

Some things happened, I can't remember, then I went to a swimming pool. In my normal clothes. I took off my shoes and went swimming. But I wasn't really swimming, I was more like running in water. At first I was very slow, because you know, running in water. But I started becoming faster and faster and eventually it felt like running on land. After a few laps, (2?) I stopped, relaxed at the side for a while then put on my shoes again. I went to my car, started the engine and suddenly Florence was talking to me through the co-driver's window. Funny, because I don't really know her. I can't remember what she said. I turned on the music and she suddenly entered my car. I shrugged it off and started driving.

Suddenly I was driving with my sister. I wanted to go somewhere-- to a restaurant of sorts-- to meet up with a few friends, but I didn't wanna be the first one there so my sister was just cruising around the area until the time. Then I messaged some friends and asked them if they reached or not. I got a few replies saying that they're almost there, then I woke up.

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