Walk through the past

Saturday, September 3, 2011

One-week-long Raya Holidays

So, today would probably sort-of mark the end of my holidays. I've tonnes of work to catch up on (actually, I'm just making that up. I know I have some work, but heck if i can remember what to do), and I have to study hard as well. The supposed harder Test 2 is just around the corner and I have to work hard to maintain the top 10%, not to mention I'm being relied on to finish some assignments and projects.

What have I been doing throughout the holidays? Nothing much, really. On the Saturday I reached Melaka, I sort of broke/dislocated my right finger in basketball. Boom, no more badminton or basketball for the next few days. Felt kinda depressed. Class party of Sunday, really awesome weih. If you go to Wen Jin's facebook, you can see the photos. Hehe. :)

On Tuesday, Glenn and Jia En and I went to sleep at Isaiah's house. We were planning on playing basketball the following morning (we slept at 1-2ish) but nobody could wake up except me. I was like, "Oi, 6.30 already. Wake up." Then, seeing that none of them could wake up, I slept again. 6.45, I tried waking them up one more time, to which I finally got a response from Isaiah "7 o'clock....."
So I was like, Ok. Then I went back to sleep BUT I forgot my alarm. The next time I got up it was already 7.45. So we canceled our plan for basketball that day and just went back afterwards.

The next few days, I can't really remember what I did. Lepaking with some friends, I guess. I could say that I wasted my time going for basketball because I couldn't play at all and 2 hours just passed just like that. But I won't. Because, to me, spending time with them is really important.

On Thursday, I celebrated my mom's birthday + retirement. We went to eat at Tanjung Kling, ikan bakar while sitting along the seafront. The food was really good even though I was skeptical at first.

After that, I went to join Glenn, Jasmine, and Jia Lin at Casa de Cafe for supper (?!). I was so freaking full, I didn't really eat anything. Jasmine was paranoid about being Fat (I haven't seen her for so long I couldn't tell, to be honest). While chatting, we skyped with Isaiah who went back to KL on wednesday, but came back on Friday morning for a ball (literally).

Saturday, today, morning, I went to pick Isaiah up and then Glenn and then Jia Lin and then Jasmine and we all went for "exercise". Well, I can't say much about exercise, besides Isaiah, who was playing basketball, I doubt the rest of us actually exercised. Jasmine jogged three (rather small) rounds nearby, Jia Lin, I think, went to accompany Isaiah and Glenn in basketball while I did a mixture of both.

After that, we went to eat Bak Kut Teh... and thought of getting a drink from Chatime, but it was closed. So, I sent them back, went with Isaiah to buy some chicken (hoho) and vegetables, and now I'm back home.

If you looked closely, you'll see that "I studied" and "I did work" doesn't exist in the above paragraphs. Oh well.

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